May 27, 2004

Review #11

So, I just unsubscribed from Final Fantasy XI. Not because I didn't like it, or anything; on the contrary, I think it's a great game, and there exists the possibility that I will play it again at some point in the nebulous future. It's just that...(sorry, distracted by the West Wing. Such a great show)...I'm busy doing something else and I don't feel like paying for something I'm not currently using. This is the main problem, for me, with More-Pigs: I get bored. I get distracted. As many of my friends will tell you(one, in particular, has first-hand experience; the rest just have my word and his), I tend to play a game for a little while, and then one of two things happens: Either I get distracted by a new game, or I forget to save for a few hours and die and get discouraged. In either case, I don't pick up the game again for several months, minimum, which is why I have, and I'm not exaggerating here, 10 times more games that I haven't finished than that I have, and, being very stupid, that ratio will probably not change. So you can see where I shouldn't pay 14 bucks a month for a game that I'm not even playing.

If you aren't currently absorbed in a More-Pig or a Moff-Piss or, god forbid, the Sims, I would recommend Final Fantasy XI. It's heaps of fun, and for the most part people are not complete fucking wastes(can you tell that I for the most part don't have much of a good opinion of other people, especially on the internet?).

You know what, fuck it. I was interested in writing this when I started, but I'm too distracted. Maybe I'll write more later.

Posted by stirge at May 27, 2004 12:59 AM