June 01, 2004

Review #12

ATV Offroad Fury 2. I have no idea if this game is any good. It came with my PS2 and I never bothered to even crack the cellophane, that's how much I cared.

In other news, I've finally grown just a tiny bit of self control. As proof, Thief 3 has been out a few days, and I don't own a copy yet because if I buy it I won't be able to pay my rent. This hasn't stopped me in the past; several times I've bought video games and then bummed rent money off my roommate or parents. All the while knowing that it was sheer stupidity to do so. Usually I ended up not even liking the game all that much. When it comes to my own gratification, I can be pretty stupid.

You know, there's a real temptation to really open up and say some intensely personal things about myself in this blog, the way one would in a paper journal, but unlike that kind of journal, this one I know will be read by other people, and especially by people that know who I am, and there are things about myself that I don't want my friends and acquaintances to know. And yet it would feel good to tell someone, you know, to get it off my chest, as it were. Maybe I should find some sort of anonymous forum or something.

Well, I thought I had more to write, but apparently I'm done.

Posted by stirge at June 1, 2004 11:14 AM