July 01, 2004

Review #15

Well, it's been a while, hasn't it? I warned you this would happen. Mostly I haven't really felt like I had anything to say about any games recently, and my life really is pretty boring, so I haven't had anything to say about that, either. I mean, I'm only writing this now because I was sitting here going through all my regular web stuff that I look at every day, and I accidentally hit this bookmark, and I thought, "Well, okay, it's been a while since I wrote in this thing, I guess I'll do an entry."

So, golf. Golf is, well, not fun. Except goofy golf(miniature golf, if you must call it that). So believe me when I tell you that the best golf game ever is Dark Cloud 2. Now, I know you were expecting me to say Mario Golf or something like that, but please. I haven't even played those games; obviously they suck. Dark Cloud didn't really have much to it. It was okay, but really nothing to write home about(and, you know, I use that phrase all the time, and I have never written home about anything in my life. Heck, I rarely even call home, which is--shit, is it the second today? Wait, no, that's tomorrow. Remind me to call my dad tomorrow, it's his birthday. Where was I? Oh yeah--a source of great consternation to my parents. And it's not like I don't like talking to them or anything, it's just that I generally don't like talking on the phone at all. I'd like it better if I had one of those headset things; the lack of ability to do anything else while I'm on the phone(if you're one of those people who talks on their cell phone while they're driving, I hope you crash into a tree and die like the moron that you are. Unless you have one of those little headset things or a speaker phone, in which case, go on with your bad self) drives me nuts), but Dark Cloud 2 is fricking awesome.

And all of a sudden I lose what little desire I had in the first place to write this. Maybe I'll continue it later, because I really do like Dark Cloud 2 a lot.


Now, I don't actually own a copy of Dark Cloud 2. This is because I played it at a friend's place over the space of several months, and got almost to the end before I felt compelled to go do something else, and I never got back to it before I moved back to Alaska. And since I was almost to the end of it, I just could never see shelling out 30 bucks to play what little was left, and yet there was too much left for just a rental. I could probably find it for less than 30 bucks now, but there are so many games and I have so little money(which is facetious; I have plenty of money. As proof, I spent a hundred and fifty bucks on video games the last time I got paid) that I generally feel I'm better off buying something I've never played before than something that I know I love. Which is dumb, but that's me to a T.

I'm not sure what it was about Dark Cloud 2 that I loved. It's fairly tedious, and I have a low threshold for tedium usually. I think it's that there's just so much there for the collector in me, and it's so easy to seem to be making real forward progress in the various collections. Plus, the golf game kicked ass. The fishing game, not so much, but then, for the most part, I've never really liked fishing games. Also, leveling up Monica's monster forms is oddly difficult. Leveling up pretty much everything else in the game is pretty easy, and not terribly time-consuming, but leveling up Monica's monster forms just takes insane amounts of time. And while she's in monster form you don't get to see her in her cute little catgirl getup. I still feel kind of dirty for finding that getup extremely attractive, mostly because Monica is drawn to look like an early-developing 12-year-old and, while being a fairly average American male means the idea of sex with 16-year-olds is just as attractive as it was when I was 14-18, the idea of sex with 12-year-olds is quite simply repugnant.

In closing, I'd just like to say that I really, really hate being sick, especially being sick for a goddamn week. I've now missed an entire week's pay, and don't think I won't really miss it when payday rolls around. The people at work think I'm either lying or a wuss, but hey, I can barely get around my goddamn apartment. I'd go to a doctor if I had any insurance, but of course I don't have a real job so I don't have insurance. People say that the overall quality of medical care would go down if we socialized medicine in this country, and that may be true, but you know, the quality of my medical care would go way, way up, as in I'd have some, and I know a lot of people who are in the same situation. Plus, you know, fuck those insurance company bastards. If the cost of insurance for the doctors weren't so high, I could possibly afford to go to a doctor now and then, although if they dropped insurance premiums now, I'm sure most doctors would just pocket the difference, it having been proved that people will pay their outrageous rates. Okay, I'm done now.

Posted by stirge at July 1, 2004 11:19 AM

Hey, it's July 2nd, you should call your dad. *grin*

Posted by: eagle at July 2, 2004 12:36 PM