May 12, 2004

There's a first time for everything...

And this isn't it. This is merely soon to be another in the long string of ill-considered, half-finished projects I undertake as a way to make me feel worse about myself. Or maybe I'll actually stick with it, who knows? Anyway, what this will be, eventually, is some sort of reviews of various video games, mostly consisting of, "Well, I liked this game," or "I didn't like this game," and occasionally I may get really ambitious and try to articulate a why for either one. Also, this may end up being a general blog, 'cause lord knows my favorite subject is myself, but on the other hand, I really don't have that much to say. I just use a lot of words to say it. For the three of you who stumbled in here accidentally, my name is...Well, unimportant. You can call me Stirge, though. I don't mind, in fact I sort of prefer it for online dealings. Except when it starts to bother me. I like to pretend that my major obsession is comic books, when anyone with any sense at all can see that it's clearly video games. Also, I don't care much for paragraph breaks, you may have noticed. I don't know that I'll give any sort of ratings for the games I review, but hopefully I'll convey a sense of how much I liked or disliked it. Also, just a note, I will mostly be reviewing games that are a little older. I don't have shit-tons of money just laying around to keep up with the latest games, although occasionally something will come out that fits one of my uber-obsessions and I'll buy it despite already being short on the rent that month. If I had any brain at all I'd subscribe to Gamefly. So, uh, anyway, I forgot what else I was going to say, and this is just supposed to be a test entry, so...Oh yeah. Comments will be welcomed, but retards and assholes will not be tolerated. I'm already plenty asshole enough for this site.

Posted by stirge at May 12, 2004 04:50 PM

heya, stirge! alright. rockin' reviews! damn minesweeper is eating my future children, man.

ok, so maybe that's a good thing.

Posted by: piranha at May 12, 2004 06:29 PM