May 14, 2004

Review #7

Well, someone mentioned it here, and so I figure, what the hell, while I'm thinking about it: Tetris. Now, I don't agree with Brooks that it's worse than Minesweeper, at least for me, because I know that I'm good enough at Tetris that the average game will take me up to half an hour to play, and it is therefore not nearly as time-wasting, because I won't be dumb enough to think that I can get a quick game in before work or sleep or what have you. And I've never been distracted by anything while kissing someone, because I've never kissed anyone, at least not romantically. Yes, I am a total stereotype. Fat, lazy slob, into comics, video games, and f/sf, with a slacker job and no prospects, almost-30-year-old virgin. Been on one date in my entire life, and that was, while not quite an actual disaster, certainly not what one could call successful. Sometimes(okay, most times) I really hate my life and myself. Sigh. Great, now, see what you've done? I'm all depressed and stuff. Which is actually good, because sometimes when I get depressed, it makes me so bored that I actually go out and do something productive. Like, right now I'm going to go get a haircut, which I've needed for weeks.

Oh, but first I should finish talking about Tetris. Tetris has just never really held me in thrall the way it does some people(like my dad). I mean, I played it obsessively when it first came out for the GameBoy, back in, what, '90? '91? But then as soon as I got to the point where it wasn't even a challenge to get the Space Shuttle to lift off, I mostly stopped. I've played it a few times here and there since then, most notably Tetris Plus, which has a sort of a story to it, but generally, it's just a fun little puzzle game that's too easy for me. It's all about pattern recognition, and that's the thing that my mind does best.

Posted by stirge at May 14, 2004 04:11 PM